Katie Pasquini Masopust: Honoree

The Quilters Hall of Fame is excited to announce the selection of Katie Pasquini Masopust as our 2024 honoree. Since Katie first began quilting in 1978, her creativity and sense of design and composition have been a moving force in the contemporary field of quilt making. She became a leader in the Art Quilt Movement through her eagerness to teach art quilters and through her seven-year service as president of Studio Art Quilt Associates. The positive effect she has had on the quilt world internationally and her many awards testify to her having earned a place in The Quilters Hall of Fame.
Quilting fans and art enthusiasts alike will have the opportunity to view Masopust's vibrant works in person during Celebration 2024, July 18 - 20 at Marion Public Library in the Forrest Room (600 S Washington Street, Marion, IN). Hours will be 9am - 5 pm. Once daily, Katie will have a Gallery Walk, sharing with those present stories and insights about each piece. Admission to the gallery and gallery walks is free and there is no need to register.
Times for the gallery walks will be:
- Thursday July 18, 11:00am - 12:00am
- Friday, July 19, 10:30am - 11:30am
- Saturday, July 20, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
You are also invited to join Katie for lunch on Friday, July 19, 2024 at 12:00pm. After we enjoy a lunch of .... Katie will share a PowerPoint presentation on her life and adventures in the quilt world. For more information on the luncheon, click the button below labeled Luncheon.
On Saturday, July 20, 2024 we will hold the induction dinner and ceremony for Katie. After presenting the award to Katie, we will open the microphone to anyone that would like to share stories or congratulate Katie. We hope that you can join us for this important time for Katie. For more information on the Induction Dinner, click the button below labeled Induction Dinner.
Beginning July 30 Katie's quilts will open at The Quilters Hall of Fame (926 S Washington Street, Marion, IN) and will be open Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm through October 5. Admission to The Quilters Hall of Fame is $7.00.
Visitors can expect to be dazzled by Masopust's mastery of color and design composition. Please join us in honoring her for her contributions to the world of quilting!
For more information on the luncheon and induction dinner, click on the links below: