Get Involved at The Quilters Hall of Fame
There are many ways to help support the mission of The Quilters Hall of Fame...
Click here to make a donation to The Quilters Hall of Fame through our secure online store»
Or click here to make a donation to The Quilters Hall of Fame Endowment Fund»

Won't you join us in the celebration of quilting and support The Quilters Hall of Fame by becoming a member? In July, all memberships at or above the $100 level will receive a copy of the book, A Passion for Quilts: The Story of Florence Peto 1881 - 1970.
- Showcase the Honorees with permanent and changing exhibits
- Provide a variety of educational programs to the public for both adults and children
- Support our annual Celebration
- Support ongoing development of the research library and collection
- Maintain a unique historical site. The Marie Webster House is the only National Historic Landmark to honor a quilt maker
There are 9 levels of membership available.
- Individual $30
- Associate $50
- Donor $75
- Sponsor $100
- Quilt Guild $100
- Patron $250
- Benefactor $500
- President's Circle $1,000
- Senior/Student $20

There are many Volunteer opportunities at The Quilters Hall of Fame.
- Volunteers work at the front desk and greet visitors as they come in.
- Volunteers help with cataloging and care of Collection items and archives.
- Volunteers help to care for the library.
- Volunteers go out and promote the museum at quilt shows and other events.
- Volunteers help to maintain the Marie Webster House and gardens.