The Quilters Hall of Fame Team and Mission
The mission of The Quilters Hall of Fame is to celebrate quilting as an art form, by honoring the lives and accomplishments of those people who have made outstanding contributions to the world of quilting; by restoration and preservation of the home of quilt designer Marie D. Webster in Marion, Indiana; by promoting educational programs, exhibitions, publications and research; and by collecting, preserving and documenting materials related to the Honorees of The Quilters Hall of Fame.

Sue Bratton
Marion, IN
Hazel Carter
Honorary Board Member
Vienna, VA
Mimi Dietrich
Board Member
Baltimore, MD
John Divine
Board Member
Salina, KS

Deb Geyer
Executive Director
Marion, IN
Carol Malone
Board Member
Decatur, IN
Sue Munn
Vice President
Marion, IN.
Rosalind Perry
Board Memeber
Santa Barbara, CA

Debra Shepler
Board Member
Marion, IN
Janice Spencer
Administrative Assistant
Marion, IN
Regina Thompson
Board member
Marion, IN