Anne Ore Asks, “What’s it Worth to You?”

You wouldn’t think that Honoree Anne Orr could spark a controversy, but I bet I can put a spin on her that will start a debate—or at least get you thinking about your own work. But before I stir up…
You wouldn’t think that Honoree Anne Orr could spark a controversy, but I bet I can put a spin on her that will start a debate—or at least get you thinking about your own work. But before I stir up…
I started writing this weekly blog to coincide with National Quilting Day, which was a Saturday. But that timing doesn’t work for me very well, so we’re switching my posts to Tuesdays. You would think that with the stay at…
This lovely eye candy is quilted by Honoree Amy Emms. She is well known for having said, “We all have a gift of some kind, and mine is quilting.” And wanted to let you know, Anna Harkins is switching her…
It’s that time of year when a quilter’s fancy turns to thoughts of THE quilt show in Paducah. Even if you’re not going, you want to go someday, or you’ve been at least once, or you know someone who is…
I was going to try to write something with an Easter/Passover theme, but even with 50+ Honorees, I couldn’t make the stretch. But, not to worry; I stumbled across something that led me to Florence Peto. I’ll tell you what…
This week Deb Geyer teamed up with Matthew White, a fourth grade teacher here in Indiana. We recorded this interview about Marie Webster and her quilt business to reach out to young entrepreneurs. Enjoy!
I’ve been sewing masks this week, as many of you have, and it got me to thinking about my days of garment sewing (BQ—before quilting). I didn’t learn quilting from my mother or gran, but I did make a lot…
Due to the continuing health risks of Covid 19, The Quilters Hall of Fame is remaining closed. We would like to be open so you could come in and see our current exhibit, de.light/FULL by Studio Art Quilt Associates! We…