We will soon be seeing some changes at the PCC & St. Louis Train Depot! The Quilters Hall of Fame (TQHF) has received a grant from the Efroymson Family Fund with Central Indiana Community Foundation to help with the restoration of historic door openings on the depot which was built in 1895.

Previous owners boarded up or replaced the doors at the depot with modern doors and windows.

Luckily, we found one set of the original doors and windows in the basement.

Pulled out into the light, we could see these patterns could be used to create new doors and windows. So the patterns have been sent to Don Lee in Wabash so he can do his magic.
Also, Don created new dormer windows and they will also be installed soon.

When occupied by The Quilters Hall of Fame (TQHF), the approximately 2,208 square foot train depot will be utilized as a functional expansion to the nearby TQHF museum at the historic Marie Webster property. A multi-purpose room will be used as classroom, exhibit display and will be available for rental for certain events. The building will be served by a kitchenette and two restrooms. It will also house a research library and temperature-controlled storage.
The depot was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on September 4, 2018.
If you are interested in donating to this project please use the donate button below or mail a check made out to TQHF at PO Box 681, Marion, IN 46952. In the comments, list “Train Depot.”
Thank you for your interest in The Quilters Hall of Fame!